Governance Vocabularies Initiative

What is the Governance Vocabularies Initiative?

Governance Vocabularies Initiative is a recognition that knowledge and understandings about “good” governance exist all around the world. It is an attempt to connect this knowledge, and make it easier for people to access, share and build better forms of government and collective action.

The initiative has grown out of a conference hosted in Rabat, Morocco in September 2023 (see “About GVI”), where activists, academics and practitioners co-authored a joint Declaration (see “Rabat Declaration”) an agenda for action.

One of the first efforts of the initiative, spearheaded by Innovation for Policy Foundation (i4Policy), has been to begin an effort of building a “pluriversal dictionary” and connecting databases of democratic innovation. i4Policy has initially linked cases and methods from the Participedia and Latinno databases, which can be searched in the cases and methods section of the decision thinking website according to two ontological frameworks. All of this work is designed to be openly accessible. The current database can be accessed here.